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What is GuzarsBlog?

It represents the 'Transitions' that I believe we all witness.


...because if a person has not fallen into their own path unerringly, has not borne their honest view with tragic pride, 'truth' loses its taste, life becomes bitter. -Nietzsche, Summer 1886 - Autumn 1887
I started this blog to share everything I love to write and read, simply because I love it. It is a space where I can record my writing journey and describe what I feel in the landscapes I encounter.

Its name comes from my pseudonym, Gündüz Güzar. However, it is a name I hope to emerge from my own name. We can say 'Güzars' or 'Güzarlar.' It represents the 'Transitions' that I believe we all witness.

Projects/ Projeler

This section includes everything I produce as a Computer Engineer, which is both my profession and my field of study. I share some tools, large-scale projects, and the insights gained from these projects. I hope to share most of these projects in a way that you can use them for free.

Journal/ Günlükler

This section contains many of my prose works, including literary content, story chapters, poems, and some thought pieces.

Research/ Araştırmalar

In this section, I share the results of my specific research and plan to add more as I continue researching. These topics can range from coffee to psychology. I will also share the sources along with them.

Reviews/ İncelemeler

In this section, I review books I have read, movies I have watched, and events I have attended.

Challenges/ Hedefler

In this section, I describe the goals I set for myself and the process I went through.

Memories/ Anılar

This section consists of a photo and a story. Every photograph that carries deeper and more emotional moments is included here.

Gündüz Güzar, 22.07.2024